Workshop Wednesday: Increase Engagement By Focusing On Freedom

Each Wednesday we post a photograph that illustrates some of our work. This one shows a seemingly obvious, but sophisticated message we delivered to a large team after a week-long learning journey. They were accustomed to a command-and-control corporate culture, but new leaders were expecting greater autonomy, accountability, and self-direction from them. There were several “Braveheart moments” during the week (‘FREEDOM!’) that we wrapped up […]

Workshop Wednesday: Freedom to Choose, Fail, Learn & Grow

Each Wednesday we post a photograph that illustrates some of our work. This one summarizes the implicit freedoms participants detected in an otherwise seemingly ‘top-down/command-and-control’ environment. When a group stops and notices themselves and their surroundings, then shares what they see, all sorts of new possibilities become possible. Check back next Wednesday for another perspective on how we work.