Clear the Space for Meaningful Dialogue

In recent blogs, we discussed ways to turn meetings into collaborative, outcome-focused group experiences by discarding standard meeting props: toss out the agenda and presentation deck and forego the conference table. When we’re facilitating pivotal meetings where clients must engage in meaningful dialogue to achieve the results they’re after, we do both. We clear the space—mentally and physically—for dynamic interaction and collaboration. A few years […]

Step Away from the Conference Table

In a recent blog, we made a suggestion that’s practically blasphemous to a well-organized meeting host: toss out the agenda and presentation deck for your next meeting. Instead, start the session with open-ended questions that will invite participants to fill the content of your meeting.  You’re then more likely to get meaningful outcomes from the meeting, not just a list of agenda items crossed off […]

Turn Meetings into Engaging Group Experiences

Want to hold more collaborative, outcome-focused meetings? Start by tossing out the agenda and presentation. Ask questions instead. You need to set up a team meeting, so you book the conference room, draft the agenda, and create your presentation. You’re all set—for another meeting that is likely to focus on getting through the agenda rather achieving worthwhile group outcomes. But by discarding some of the […]